drs. Liesbet De Kock




pp. 1  2  3
  • 2020

    • Schuld onder de schedel?

      De Kock, L., & Heimans, H. (2020). Schuld onder de schedel? In J. Verplaetse (Ed.), Het misdrijf en schuld : over de gevolgen van een onbestaande vrije wil : pleidooi voor een schuldloos strafrecht (pp. 91–107). Intersentia.
  • 2019

    • Men doet wat men doet : over psychiatrie en vervreemdend geweld

      De Kock, L. (2019). Men doet wat men doet : over psychiatrie en vervreemdend geweld. PSYCHO-ANALYTISCHE PERSPEKTIEVEN, 37(2), 663–675.
  • 2018

    • On making sense : an exploration of Wundt’s apperceptionist account of meaningful speech

      De Kock, L. (2018). On making sense : an exploration of Wundt’s apperceptionist account of meaningful speech. JOURNAL OF THE HISTORY OF THE BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES, 24(4), 272–292. https://doi.org/10.1002/jhbs.21929
      In the wake of the critical reorientation in the historiography of psychology, a number of scholars challenged the one-sided structuralist and positivist interpretation of Wilhelm Wundt's work. This paper aims at contributing to these recent efforts, by providing an analysis of the way in which Wundt's apperceptionism conditioned his account of the relation between thought and speech, and by extrapolation, of disorganized thought and speech. While Wundt's pivotal role in the development of the psychology of language is relatively well-known, discussions on this part of his theorizing tend to focus exclusively on his gestural or motor account of language. This obliterates the complex theoretical background of Wundt's theory of language and speech, as well as its systematic place within his psychological system. Highlighting this neglected dimension of Wundt's theorizing, however, could open up a new horizon of pressing research questions in the historiography of psychology.
    • Historicizing Hermann von Helmholtz’s psychology of differentiation

      De Kock, L. (2018). Historicizing Hermann von Helmholtz’s psychology of differentiation. JOURNAL FOR THE HISTORY OF ANALYTICAL PHILOSOPHY, 6(3), 43–62. https://doi.org/10.15173/jhap.v6i3.3432
  • 2017

    • Nostalgie naar een Ster. Mensbeeld, Ethiek, Verlangen en Verslaving.

      De Kock, L. (2017). Nostalgie naar een Ster. Mensbeeld, Ethiek, Verlangen en Verslaving. In Altijd onderweg : verschillende perspectieven op de betekenis van het verlangen (Vol. 5, pp. 85–110). Garant.
    • Being and the body : embodiment in J.G. Fichte's transcendental analysis of consciousness

      De Kock, L. (2017). Being and the body : embodiment in J.G. Fichte’s transcendental analysis of consciousness. IDEALISTIC STUDIES, 47(1–2), 59–82. https://doi.org/10.5840/idstudies201892873
  • 2016

    • Helmholtz’s Kant revisited (once more): the all-pervasive nature of Helmholtz's struggle with Kant's Anschauung

      De Kock, L. (2016). Helmholtz’s Kant revisited (once more): the all-pervasive nature of Helmholtz’s struggle with Kant’s Anschauung. STUDIES IN HISTORY AND PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE, 56, 20–32. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.shpsa.2015.10.009
  • 2015

    • De Sartriaanse Mens tussen Zijn en Niet

      De Kock, L. (2015). De Sartriaanse Mens tussen Zijn en Niet.
  • 2014

    • In the beginning was the act: a historical and systematic analysis of Hermann von Helmholtz's psychology of the object

      De Kock, L. (2014). In the beginning was the act: a historical and systematic analysis of Hermann von Helmholtz’s psychology of the object. Ghent University. Faculty of Arts and Philosophy, Ghent, Belgium.
    • Voluntarism in early psychology: the case of Hermann von Helmholtz

      De Kock, L. (2014). Voluntarism in early psychology: the case of Hermann von Helmholtz. HISTORY OF PSYCHOLOGY, 17(2), 105–128. https://doi.org/10.1037/a0035978
      The failure to recognize the programmatic similarity between (post-)Kantian German philosophy and early psychology has impoverished psychology's historical self-understanding to a great extent. This article aims to contribute to recent efforts to overcome the gaps in the historiography of contemporary psychology, which are the result of an empiricist bias. To this end, we present an analysis of the way in which Hermann von Helmholtz's theory of perception resonates with Johann Gottlieb Fichte's Ego-doctrine. It will be argued that this indebtedness is particularly clear when focusing on the foundation of the differential awareness of subject and object in perception. In doing so, the widespread reception of Helmholtz's work as proto-positivist or strictly empiricist is challenged, in favor of the claim that important elements of his theorizing can only be understood properly against the background of Fichte's Ego-doctrine.

Type :

  • Book chapter
  • Journal article
  • Other
  • All

Keywords :

  • Psychology,
  • Apperception,
  • Hermann von helmholtz,
  • Wilhelm wundt,
  • Disorders,
  • Kraepelin,
  • History,
  • Speech,
  • Perception,
  • Intuition