
(Neuro)psychoanalysis, its critique, its critics / One-day symposium

(Neuro)psychoanalysis, its critique, its critics FLYER

Psychoanalysis is a critique: a critique of psychiatry (e.g. Freud), a critique of psychology (e.g. Lacan), or, more broadly, a critique of society (e.g. Adorno, Marcuse… Žižek). Psychoanalysis has also always been a critique of psychoanalysis. And, recently, psychoanalysis can also be, besides a critique of neuroscience, a critique of neuropsychoanalysis.


But, of course, neuroscience itself is a critique: a critique of our humanistic, psychologistic conceptions and illusions such as free will, love or the unified Ego (e.g. Dennett, Metzinger) and their effects on society. And clearly, neurosciences can also be, besides a critique of psychoanalysis, a critique of neuropsychoanalysis.


And finally, neuropsychoanalysis is a critique: especially, besides a critique of neuroscience, a critique of psychoanalysis (the scanner might prove Freud wrong on certain points).  

At the very least there is no lack of critique! No lack of critics neither. Or should one even say: we are all so critical now? Then it is not clear what it would take to save us now.

Invited speakers

Henk Vandaele
Ed Pluth
Ariane Bazan
Gertrudis Van de Vijver
Jens De Vleminck
Jan De Vos
Charles Wolfe
Marc De Kesel

24 June 2015


Ghent University, Blandijnberg 2, B-9000 Gent
Room: 120.012

Admission information

There is no registration fee but please register via e-mail (see contact below).
For lunch there will be sandwiches (free of charge).


Jan De Vos


9h00: Welcome & Introduction to the symposium

9h30 – 10h15
Henk Vandaele (KULeuven & Vives, Kortrijk): Towards a critique of pure neurophysiology, a Fichtian approach

10h15 – 11h00
Ed Pluth (Chico State University, USA): Must a Materialism Be a Naturalism? On Adrian Johnston’s Immanent Critique of the Neurosciences

11h00 11h15: Coffee Break

11h15 – 12h00
Ariane Bazan (Université Libre de Bruxelles, ULB) & Gertrudis Van de Vijver (Ghent University): Neuropsychoanalysis and the notion of mental reality: an epistemological challenge

12h00 – 13h00
Response by  Jens De Vleminck (Ghent University), followed by a round table.

13h00 – 14h00: Lunch

14h00 – 14h45
Jan De Vos (Ghent University): What is Critique in the Era of the Neurosciences? Reading Brassier’s “view from nowhere” and Sellars’ “manifest image” from a psychoanalytic perspective

14h45 – 15h30
Charles Wolfe (Ghent University): Brain Theory Between Utopia and Dystopia: Neuronormativity Meets the Social Brain

15h30 – 15h45: Coffee break

15h45 – 16h45
Response by  Marc De Kesel (Saint Paul University, Ottawa, CA)  followed by a round table.

Venue: Ghent University, Blandijnberg 2, B-9000 Gent
Room: 120.012 (click here)